Keyboard Komic
Posted: 08 Dec 2022 08:04
Code: Select all
Welcome to my room; the miners, torrenters, sharers,
_ front end devs, and for the moment a few evil
/-\ censorous spyware "platform" devs have offered it
(___) to me for free! (They even say if enough of you
//oo|\\ use the platforms video endorsment feature (likes,
///|u|\\\ as thier often known) and channel endorsment feature
/// || \\\ (aka follow's or subscribe's) then they might
/\/\ \_|||, pay me to stay!
//\/\/\\ `\ /
// |_| \ \/ / I am nano (backstory coming soon, the epic saga
// , |,| \/ of ^s) and am here to filter possible friends
\ \= /---\ from you glob of zombie turncoat hippocritical
\=| /^\ | virtue signaling enemies of freedom. Hopefully,
|n| | | I can show you my place someday; but I gotta
|a| | | try and trigger as many true colors as possible
|n| | | to elevate the level of freedom of speech to be
|o| | | had there, by minimizing subversives.
\ / \ /
|_| |_| This channel will focus on a wide variety of topics
and will include fowl language, racial slurs, and
anything else that will expose phony free-speech
advocates. Pseudonimity and leagality will be
consistent themes. First we'll get a grasp on our
most basic "rights"; as I believe the best cyber
opsec in the world doesn't mean shit if you don't
know what lines your crossing regularly in the meat
After, and somewhat during this (indexing subject matter with days of the week) we
will get into tech, security, privacy, maybe some tests between the lines, maybe
an invite to my home!
We'll also touch on popular events, as it pertains to our freedom or our protocols.
My goal is to whittle click-throughs down to a cult. But the only cool-aid we
offer may be tailpipe or gun barrel mods, possible best burn practices, no one
has overdosed on one's and zero's yet, and that is all I have to give. JOIN US
JOIN US JOIN US .... but seriously, check it out. Much of this is need to know
stuff for anyone with a heart or a non-empty ballsack, if your a rug who jumps
in front of the elite to be walked all over, this channel may not be for you.
To achieve my goals, I need many click through's and to appeal to good pseudons,
so I will try to entertain as we learn.
/-\ Out of context this is a racist, sexist, <insert identity>ist
(___) extremist channel endorsing illeagal things
////|D|\\ On it's face it's a channel focused on psudonimity, freedom,
/// || \\\ and not breaking the law; with a few edgy jokes here and there
/\/\ \
//\/\/\\ And my alterior motive is to find friends who are not mindless
// |_| \\ zombies, blue-pilled (as Morpheous would say), npc's in the
// , |,| =`// Micheal Malice syntax, and you'll soon find to avoid ambiguity
\ \= /---\=/ and changing definitions; we have our own word for you niave
\=| /^\ | fucks with selective mainstream media and goverment trusting
|a| | | YOURS!!!!
|n| | |
|o| | |
\ /_\ /_
ALIGN WITH YOURS, so maybe give it a chance.)
We must unite or lose the fight for freedom. Cyber is the front lines
now, less messy and it works too well, we must expose authoritarians
for what they are; and learn best practices to avoid them and eliminate
thier influence. Pseudonimity and learning thier "lines" and how hesitant
they are to cross them is key.
Now you know WHAT I'm doing here
_ We'll go further into WHY and HOW
/-\ and WHEN soon as well.
//oo|\\ Obviously you know how to watch it,
///|u|\\\ however I MAY NOT LIKE IT.
/// || \\\
/\/\ \_|||, when explaing the schedule (WHEN),
//\/\/\\ `\ / I will try to give a rough timeline
// |_| \ \/ / for WHERE (meaning where I will
// , |,| \/ be hosting from and how to get at me)
\ \= /---\ but it will not be announced like this,
\=| /^\ | it will be a between-the-lines scavenger
|n| | | hunt into safer and more psudonamous
|a| | | platforms.
|n| | |
|o| | | If anyone makes it that far, maybe we
\ / \ / can change something; if not just for us
|_| |_| and ours. I guess I should give my fans
a moniker to get behind .... hmmm .....
- MiXYclan?! Yeah that works.
I love all of MiXYclan - Knights spread the message, and introduce
but its the Knights vetted MiXYclan to lower abstraction levels of
and Addicts which content access and engagement (and maybe support)
could turn this into some-
thing more than a time- - Addicts don't miss a show, and always
sink will people are like, comment, and support how they can.
taking a shit, I mean an <3 love y'all, you'll keep us relevant in
"influencer" sorry shadows and help us help people become...
BUT NOT REALLY BECAUSE WE (oops, I should save that for <why/>)
fking influencer, I'm a Check out whatever channel I am on on the
potential friend who knows platform of your current choice babes,
some stuff and some guys WHY, HOW, and WHEN should be up by soon.
who can get friends more
working on bringing that on as a long GIF or something idk, video isn't really where I excell. Anyways, heres this!