I would like to use the standalone beta with the plugin running at the same time/same configs

The MuWire file sharing application
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Joined: 12 Feb 2022 02:58

I would like to use the standalone beta with the plugin running at the same time/same configs

Post by robabok978 »

I would like to use the standalone beta with the plugin running at the same time and have the same configs.
And would like to symlink the files instead of copying under linux. Is this a good idea?
I tried (http://muwire.i2p/plugin-migration.html) and when i start the plugin with closed standalone i got not the same dirs and collection etc. as in the standalone.
Right now i x2go in my raspberr running the router and run muwire standalone connected to the i2prouter in a desktop.
Here i do my collections, etc.. I like the gui far more better for usage. In the backround i would run the plugin and i would like to have the same conf as in the standalone when close it.
One way would be to use x2go and leave the desktop xsession open. I could do this with x2go and run only the standalone without any windowsmanage.r
Seems that both the plugin and the standalone mem use is not so different.


Re: I would like to use the standalone beta with the plugin running at the same time/same configs

Post by zlatinb »

What you're asking for is a difficult but possible. Few things to note:

1. You shouldn't run both the plugin and the standalone with the same username (same "key.dat" file). That will cause problems with connecting. You should stop one before starting the other, or use different identities. See https://muwire.com/nicknames.html for info on managing identities.
2. The shared files must appear on the exact same location on the file system for the migration to work. If your shared files are on a network drive that is visible both from your desktop and your server, then it must be mounted in the exact same location. So that means that your desktop must also run a version of Linux.

Overall if you like the standalone GUI better I suggest you stick to using that. It works fine on Raspberry Pi 64-bit, and maybe works on 32-bit if you can find java 11 for it. The plugin is behind on features and it's more work to make it secure as described on http://muwire.i2p/security.html .
Posts: 37
Joined: 12 Feb 2022 02:58

Re: I would like to use the standalone beta with the plugin running at the same time/same configs

Post by robabok978 »

Yes i will run the standalone version in a x2go session, it will still be running if i exit the x2go client.
That's better and the ram usage is ok.
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