as i have voiced before using the IRC2P i was deeply annoyed by i2psnark changing the form of of there start download form to included an upload option which prevented me from using firefox custom search keyword funktion to quickly add magnet links. Now i finally managed to get a workaround out of chatgpt:
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Developed with the assistance of OpenAI's GPT-3.5
import requests
import configparser
import sys
import os
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse
def get_language():
lang = os.getenv("LANG")
if lang:
lang = lang.split('.')[0] # Berücksichtige nur den Sprachcode
return lang
def get_translation(lang):
if lang == "es":
return {
"adding_success": "¡Enlace magnético o archivo torrent añadido correctamente a i2psnark!",
"adding_error": "Error al agregar el enlace magnético o archivo torrent a i2psnark.",
"usage": "Uso: python [archivo.torrent | enlace_magnético | enlace_http_a_torrent]",
"help": [
" -h, --help Mostrar este mensaje de ayuda"
elif lang == "de":
return {
"adding_success": "Magnet-Link oder Torrent-Datei erfolgreich zu i2psnark hinzugefügt!",
"adding_error": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen des Magnet-Links oder der Torrent-Datei zu i2psnark.",
"usage": "Verwendung: python [torrent_datei | magnet_link | http_link_zu_torrent]",
"help": [
" -h, --help Diese Hilfemeldung anzeigen"
else: # Englisch als Standardsprache
return {
"adding_success": "Magnet link or torrent file successfully added to i2psnark!",
"adding_error": "Error adding the magnet link or torrent file to i2psnark.",
"usage": "Usage: python [torrent_file | magnet_link | http_link_to_torrent]",
"help": [
" -h, --help Display this help message"
def get_nonce(snark_url):
response = requests.get(snark_url, timeout=5)
nonce = response.text.split('name="nonce" value="', 1)[1].split('"', 1)[0]
return nonce
except Exception as e:
print("Error fetching nonce:", str(e))
return None
def add_to_i2psnark(input_value, target_dir, snark_url, nonce, translations):
url = snark_url + "/_post" # _post an die Snark-URL anhängen
files = {'newFile': open(input_value, 'rb')} if os.path.isfile(input_value) else {'newFile': None}
data = {
'nonce': nonce,
'p': '1',
'sort': '-9',
'action': 'Add',
'nofilter_newURL': input_value if not files['newFile'] else '',
'nofilter_newDir': target_dir,
'foo': 'Add torrent'
response =, files=files, data=data)
print("Response from server:", response.text) # Drucke die Serverantwort
if "Torrent added successfully" in response.text:
except Exception as e:
print("Error adding the magnet link or torrent file to i2psnark:", str(e))
def display_help(translations):
for line in translations["help"]:
def main():
# Sprache ermitteln
lang = get_language()
translations = get_translation(lang)
# Konfigurationsdatei lesen
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'i2pSnarkFeeding.ini')
target_dir = config['DEFAULT'].get('target_dir', '')
# Nonce abrufen
snark_url = config['DEFAULT'].get('snark_url', '')
nonce = get_nonce(snark_url)
if nonce:
# CLI-Argumente verarbeiten
if len(sys.argv) == 1 or "-h" in sys.argv or "--help" in sys.argv:
input_value = sys.argv[1]
if os.path.isfile(input_value):
add_to_i2psnark(input_value, target_dir, snark_url, nonce, translations)
elif re.match(r'^magnet:', input_value):
add_to_i2psnark(input_value, target_dir, snark_url, nonce, translations)
elif urlparse(input_value).scheme.startswith('http'):
add_to_i2psnark(input_value, target_dir, snark_url, nonce, translations)
print("Invalid input. Please provide either a torrent file, a magnet link, or a link to a torrent file.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Code: Select all
target_dir = /I/i2psnark/
snark_url =
This script should be silent so you have to check your i2psnark in your browser yourself. I thought of implementing some desktop notifications but the time i was done i had enough of gpt3.5s stupidity and was happy it worked, but if you wish feel free to improve opon it.
happy hacking
Mr. T