Bittorrent and browsing in I2P on Android Tv Box with Termux App - Guide + Video
Goal: run i2p router with i2psnark on Android TV box local accessible or remote by ssh port forward
Why: Running a router permanently on a device spread in households, cheap and low power while running 24/7
Easy install for novice users with the result ability to browse and torrent in I2P by one line commands
Used box: A52X 2GB RAM A9-Cortex Armv8
Install Termux by
direct website
fdroid or playstore
If you use an android mobile instead of an android tv box,
scan and copy the qr code into the clipboard and paste it into the termux app
We need to have the commandline accessible if we are working on the android tv box
One way is to type in the command by hand in Termux on your android device
A second way is to only do:
pkg install openssh
and then run the line from a ssh remote connection
A third one:
Use pastebin to make the commands available for your browser on your tv box
Which i used in the videos
The oneliner:
pkg update && pkg upgrade && pkg install openjdk-17 openssh wget && sshd && mkdir ~/i2p && cd ~/i2p && wget ... x-only.jar && java -jar i2pinstall_1.7.0-0+_linux-only.jar -console && ~/i2p/ && id
We have to get this line into termux and execute it.
Create on your pc a pastebin post and notice the link.
Open the browser on our android device preferable lightning and open the pastebin.
Copy the oneliner into the clipboard.
Open termux and paste into it by click/touch long and choose paste.
If the oneliner is paste, execute it by touch/click on the return button.
It installs java, gets the i2p+ install from
gets: ... x-only.jar
and installs/executes the i2prouter and run a openssh server
The openssh server allows to remote access the files on the android which we downloaded, it also enables us to have access to the videos with kodi to play them.
Access to the files with Kodi:
In Kodi add the sftp/ssh with
add videos
Use the following data:
server localhost
path /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.i2p/i2psnark
port 8022
user your name, if you don't know, type 'id' in termux
pass your password of termux, set it by typing 'passwd' in termux
click i2psnark to access movies
To browse on android:
open up lightning and change the proxy to manual
port 4444
Now you can browse in i2p. Start with visiting your home of the i2prouter by typing in the addressfield:
Visit your bittorrent service by typing in the addressfield:
Bookmark these.
Visit Postman for torrent by clicking on the link in your i2prouter home..
Click/Touch and hold the magnetic link symbol of your choosen torrent and choose copy link.
Vist i2psnark and paste the link into this field.
Now your torrent will start and downloaded into the folder in the field under.
Use Kodi or use to click in the browser on the files to watch them.
If you have installed it and only want to start it again after a reboot or abort of termux just run:
sshd && ~/i2p/
If you like and find the video/guide useful, you can spread and edit as you like.
you can upload where you like to
clearnet links
Bittorrent and browsing in I2P on Android Tv Box with Termux App - Guide + Video
- Posts: 37
- Joined: 12 Feb 2022 02:58