So much for the introduction. One question I asked myself was how I can recognize friend and foe. To make a pre-selection, the content control panel is a good choice. Maybe some users don't know this function yet, so I'll introduce it briefly. With the content control all received requests that are sent to the network can be made visible. It's kind of like the log file on your favorite I2P tracker for whatever, with the difference that with this free tool everyone can see their environment.In MuWire you can choose to trust or distrust other MuWire users. You can subscribe to the contact lists of users you trust and see who they trust and distrust in turn.
When you mark someone as trusted they get added to your MuWire contact list. You can then easily send them messages, chat with them, browse the files or collections they’re sharing. In the MuWire options you can choose to allow only trusted connections. If you enable that option your MuWire node will only connect to the nodes of users that you have marked Trusted. Keep in mind that you haven’t marked anyone as Trusted you will not be able to connect to anyone!
If for whatever reason you want to never see anything from a specific user (like search result or a message) you can mark them as Distrusted. They will not be able to interact with you in any way.
Be careful who you trust in an anonymous network! There is no single right answer as to whether you should trust someone or not. Ideally you should interact with them somehow before making a decision. Exchange files, messages, or chat with them. People can change MuWire identities easily, and also multiple humans can be behind the same MuWire identity. Be mindful of what information you give out, and be respectful if others do not want to give you information about themselves.
You can use this to optimize your own offer, for example by creating a sidecar file with corresponding keywords, or to connect people with the same interests. On the other hand, there are requests that you not only don't want to serve, but that are completely foreign to you. And with such people I want to have then simply nothing to do and I speak them my distrust. At this point I would like to show a picture for clarification, but with that I could already expose myself to prosecution due to idiotic laws, apart from the fact that this forum is subject to the same laws.
So I'll try to explain it as simply as possible. In the Content Control panel, which can be found under Tools, there is an input field for search terms or regular expressions in the lower left area, as you actually know it. Next to it is a button labeled "Regex". This is selected and the button to the right of it "Add rule" adds an empty rule. This empty rule already ensures that all queries are listed under "Hits" in the upper right field. If you have another version, try the expression ".*" which leads to the same result.
In the following, the list of hits will fill up. By selecting a participant from this list, it is now possible to express trust or mistrust in this participant. Then follows a security query with an optional indication of reasons. In any case, I advise you to always give a meaningful reason, because after a few days at the latest, you will have already forgotten what was so important to you today and what seemed so obvious.
If that was incomprehensible or I forgot something or just wrote nonsense ... please correct me.