Ugh. This would be terrible to code, especially with the current table sorting logic. Agreed that some extra general info about the shared files is helpful but it doesn't belong in a table line which can scroll off.B0B wrote: ↑23 Mar 2020 13:40
Shared Files table... what you also can do is adding 5 invisible bogus lines at the bottom of the list. That's more or less the same as you do now with the difference that the extra space is there to begin with so the Y-scrollbar won't shrink/expand.
Some of the 5 empty lines can also be misused to list things like the amount of shared files and the combined size of it.
Well it's all about what queries fly on the network. In the standalone there is a tool called "Content Control Panel" which lets you spy on what others are searching for based on regex rules (or .* for everything).B0B wrote: ↑23 Mar 2020 13:40 An unrelated strange thing is that I don't get any uploads anymore. Search/Download works but didn't get a single upload in the passed 13 hours, which is remarkable at least. "Shared files" shows them as usual and MuStatus shows 28/64 In/Out-connections and 165 known hosts right now so nothing weird over there.
There is no "Shared Files" folder by default; there is a folder for downloaded files, but you need to add shared folders explicitly. To answer your question, if you share an entire folder, MuWire will register for filesystem notifications from the OS for that folder and all subfolders. So if you copy/move/symlink a file in a shared folder, MuWire will share it. And vice versa if you delete a shared file from a shared folder MuWire will detect that and unshare it.B0B wrote: ↑23 Mar 2020 13:40 And another question... Does MuWire check for newly added files to the "shared files" folder? Like, if I add a file by hand, will it be shared as well? If so, when? Does is poll for updates every now and then or only at start-up? If polling is scheduled, can the values be altered somewhere?
The underlying mechanics are OS-dependent. On Linux the inotify facility is used; on Windows I don't know but it's probably polling of some kind. If it is polling then it probably happens every few milliseconds.
The standalone there is a tool called "Advanced Sharing" which shows you all folders which MuWire is watching for changes. They can also be found in in the "watchedDirectories" property in Base64-encoded format.